Writing Related Websites to Help Kickstart your New Year MOJO

Without going into the year that was, because honestly, who wants to dwell on it any longer – today’s post is about finding inspiration, support and the knowledge needed to help you on your writing journey.

Whether you’re starting out, or looking to add to your writing portfolio, I hope you find something to incite and encourage you along the way.

(And no, this post is not sponsored or commissioned. These are just a few of the sites I visit when in need of advice, guidance, and a sense of community via their social media outlets.)

Australian Writers’ Centre

How could I not include this wonderful community? Without them, I wouldn’t be online or pursuing my own writing dream.

The AWC specialise in a range of courses covering creative writing (including editing, pitching your novel, publishing, building an author platform and more), non-fiction, freelance, and business writing – all facilitated by renowned authors, journalists and freelance professionals.

Don’t forget to check out their So You Want To Be A Writer podcast as well, full of practical advice on writing and publishing, humorous conversations and inspiring author interviews.


If you’re thinking of joining the blogosphere, you seriously cannot go past this fantastic resource.

It is jampacked with a wealth of advice on how to create, design and launch your own blog, as well as how to manage, create content, build a reader community, and importantly – understanding technology and the behind-the-scenes knowledge you’ll need to create and run a professional looking site.

From beginners to those already blogging and want to expand their expertise – it has the lot.

Jane Friedman

Jane is a Professor, author, entrepreneur and freelancer who runs this award-winning blog that is an absolute go to for writers. With subjects covering creativity and inspiration to publishing, media, marketing and promotion, there is sure to be advice pertaining to where you’re at, and fabulous guest posts.

As well as her generous sharing of knowledge and expertise on writing, she also conducts on-line courses.  Plus, you’ll find her recommended resources to help you on your way.

Helping Writers Become Authors

This wonderful website is run by award-winning author K M Weiland, hailed for her popular writing guides and who also writes historical and speculative fiction.

Not only an amazing blog brimming with helpful articles, you’ll find links to her author website, podcast, and her own recommendations for writers around reading, editors, beta reading sites and other professional resources. 

The Writing Cooperative

 This is another valuable resource for all writers. The site is a publication of Medium.com that is nothing short of a goldmine.

Dedicated to helping writers of every ilk develop and improve their skills, articles are submitted from a large array of established and experienced writers and authors in the community offering advice and guidance on every subject imaginable pertaining to your writing journey.


Helping all word lovers achieve their best written work. This is a resource for anyone wanting to improve their writing craft.  

Their blog covers subjects on the writing process, blogging and content writing, as well as grammar (try out their grammar checker!), business writing, advice on writing apps and software and more.  You’ll also find links for Webinars facilitated by the professional ProWriting team as well as guest speakers. (A heads-up for lovers of fantasy writing, they’ll be hosting free webinar events from Feb 22-26 2021).

There are also options to register (free and paid subscriptions) to use their Writing Report editing resource covering passive, vague and overused wording, sentence length, cliches, to name a few.

The Creative Penn

 Joanna Penn is the inspiring and award-winning entrepreneur of this highly successful website.

She’s a bestselling thriller author, podcaster, and has written multiple non-fictions for writers and authors covering self-publishing, marketing, public speaking, co-writing and much more. She offers courses, tools and resources, and there’s not much her amazing blog doesn’t cover. Helpful to all writers, but if you’re thinking of self-publishing, it’s a must visit.

The Write Life

A great site, chock full of articles and valuable insights about writing, blogging, freelancing, publishing – both traditional and self, marketing and much more.

In fact, they’ve shared a post themselves of The 100 Best Websites for Writers in 2021 (I was so excited!). A fantastic list voted by their community covering the above and more – motivation and productivity, newsletters, podcasts, it goes on. Can’t wait to check them all out.

With so many great resources and websites available, you won’t be short on choice for your project. If you have particular favourites, I’d love to hear about them.

So, with a charged coffee mug (or beverage of choice), here’s to a productive and creative year.


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